Hello there! And welcome to my blog! Chances are you have
either stumbled across this site completely randomly, by mistake or through
various social media like my pictures on Pinterest.
WAIT! Before you decide to click off let me take this
opportunity to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about me and this
little blog you have come across!
Hi! Nice to meet you! First thing is first my name is
Crissy, I am 21 and live in the UK, have a keen interest in artist pursuits
such as photography, sketching, painting and creative writing and of course not
to leave out the main thing here…food!
I have created this blog to document a rather monumental
thing going on in my life right now, I have finally moved out of my parents’
house in mainland Blighty and in with my other half in the valleys of Wales! “How
does that relate to food?” I hear you ask? Well the answer to that is very
simple! My mum taught me to be able to cook for myself at quite a young age and
I have always had in interest in cooking meals and baking….however I have never
been in charge of this one particular task.
You see as much as my other half is one talented little
munchkin when it comes to anything technical and will do everything in his
power to look after me….apart from cooking! Don’t get me wrong he can cook and
look after himself BUT he is a student with no prior cooking experience….this
results in me having a massive nervous breakdown whenever he goes near the
So I have taken it upon myself to feed my beloved, banish
instant noodles as an actual dinner and start cooking tasty, healthy dishes
which we can both enjoy! On top of that I wanted this to be a place to document
the whole moving process so expect to see me trying (and probably failing!) at
traditional local recipes, photography of the local area and I may even rope my
other half into this journey with me by teaching him some culinary skills!
Any of that interest you at all? If so please stick around
as I intend to cover everything from teaching a student how to cook without
burning the flat down, shopping on tight budgets, different diets and of course
it wouldn’t be my blog without throwing in some silliness in here too! So expect
to hear about some of my greatest kitchen failures (like the time I forgot how
to use a microwave), watch me try to make things for the first time and if
anything just come along on this journey with me!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read about me and what
this blog represents to me, if you have any suggestions on recipes I should
try, places I should go or things I could do here in South Wales then please
leave me a comment below and I will do my best to put up content here which
everyone from students to seniors can enjoy!
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